Bacteria Grows On More Than Just Carpet Fibers

It is scientifically proven that carpet and fabric fibers can create a thriving environment for bacteria, dust mites, and even viruses. Carpet can hold 400,000 microbes of bacteria per square yard! While some bacteria and viruses cannot live longer than just a few days, they can still make you sick.

Let’s look at it this way – if you keep the following things in your home clean, you’ll lower your risk of being sick and being aggravated by allergens.

  • Carpet – have you carpet professionally cleaned every 6 to 12 months. Not that we’re biased, BUT we use a low moisture process that sanitizes and cleans (which takes less time to dry AND it will not set up a place for residues or bacteria to thrive afterwards).

  • Toothbrush – this may sound a little crazy, but you need to replace your toothbrush every 2-3 weeks, or you can boil it for 3 minutes to clean it. You can even throw an orange peel in the boiling water to help break up the junk on the bristles.

  • Kitchen Sink – sure we think this space is clean, but in reality it isn’t. Just like your garbage disposal, it is one of the nastiest places in your home. Toss some orange peel into your garbage disposal, or take some fresh lemon juice (which is a natural cleaner and sanitizer) and put it down the drain with a little baking soda. Let is sit for about 5 minutes and then rinse with hot water. You can also use an orange peel as a sponge and surface-clean the sink!

  • Appliances – wipe these down every day or every couple of days. Seriously. The amount of germs on handles and buttons… ick.

  • Keyboards and remote controls – completely gross. How many people have touched the remote? Used the computer? (All while probably NOT washing their hands?) Ew! Wipe these down as well!