What Is The Lifespan of Your Carpet?

Did you know that the average lifespan of carpet is 10-12 years?

Sometimes no matter what you do, your carpet will eventually start showing wear and tear, especially in places where there is heavy foot traffic. However, you can increase the lifespan by taking care of the carpet, making it last longer.

Professional carpet cleaning will keep your carpet sanitized, clean, free of allergens and pests, and it will keep the carpet fibers intact. When dirt, grime, or stains sit on carpet fibers for a long period of time, it will break down the fibers, making your carpet matted and dingy. This makes is a lot more difficult to remove stains at this point too!

If you need professional carpet cleaning, we will help you improve and increase the lifespan of your carpet at a very reasonable price. Plus, you only need to deep clean once every 6 to 18 months (depending on how much a space – or upholstery – is used)!