What Did Your Shoes Bring In?

Did you know that your shoes are probably the dirtiest thing in your house? We aren’t talking just about dirt and mud – we are talking bacteria such as e. coli, fecal matter, strains of bacteria that cause illnesses, and pathogens that cause serious sinus issues and respiratory issues.

If you have small children, think about this for a second. The average baby/toddler puts their hands in their mouths at least 25 times an hour. If there are 400,000+ BAD microbes in the carpet where they play, don’t you think they have an easier chance of getting sick?

One way to avoid this, is to remove your shoes when you come inside. Have a safe place for them that is also out of reach of children (and pets!) This decreases the chance that you track that nasty stuff all through the house!

Source: https://www.collective-evolution.com/2016/09/01/the-bottom-of-your-shoe-is-dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat/

connie john