You Say Ice Cream – We Say Ice Cream Social!
Over the weekend, we were thrilled to sponsor the Keller Williams Ice Cream Social. We have truly missed getting to socialize this past 18 months; due to COVID, we were not able to participate in events in our community. We were excited for the opportunity to mingle with our partners and potential clients. The best part? Sharing conversations while enjoying ice cream and all those delicious toppings!
As a small business, CitruSolution of North Cherokee strives to help other businesses be successful too. We partner with our real estate friends to give them discounts on carpet cleaning, especially during this crazy real estate market we’re currently experiencing. The ability to get homes sold quickly is important. That is why our partners like Keller Williams love us! We will get you scheduled ASAP, and we are proud to say our process is fast. We do not use soaps or a ton of water. With less water and a better clean, the carpet dries faster and stays cleaner – longer.
If you’d like to partner with us, give us a call at 678.315.4411. We’d love to hear from you!