Ask Us About Commercial Carpet Cleaning

In our local community, we love partnering with local daycares, offices, churches, and other businesses to help maintain a clean environment for patrons, employees, and visitors.

Commercial Carpet Cleaning is important, especially after the seasons change or during the winter months when the flu and common cold viruses are present. We recommend cleaning every 3 to 6 months for most businesses if there is a heavy volume of people. Church pews, carpet, and furniture can harbor excessive amounts of germs, dust, and dirt. (Check out our article about how much dirt carpet can hold!)

If you’re looking for routine commercial carpet cleaning, here are some great reasons to choose CitruSolution Carpet Cleaning of North Cherokee:

  • We use a low-moisture process, which means less downtime. Once we clean carpet, rugs, and furniture, there is usually a 1-2 hour dry time.

  • With the low-moisture process, resoiling is highly unlikely. When other carpet cleaners use soaps, it takes more water. More water means more time to dry. (Mold will grow at 24 hours, so if it takes too long to dry, the likelihood of resoiling is much higher). We make sure this doesn’t happen!

  • Routine maintenance is important! We can put you on a recurring schedule to ensure that your commercial property will stay up and running without interruption.

  • If you have some tough carpet stains, let us know. We will take extra care of those.

  • Fabulous customer service!

If you would like to set up a quick call about Commercial Carpet Cleaning, you can reach us at Or, reach us at 678-315-4411. We look forward to working with you in the future.